Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to our mostly asked questions

Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose injected humour and the like.

How to upload a post in Social V?

By using an upload box, you can upload a post manually or embedding URL

How can I create a forum in a Social V?

Two ways you can create a forum in Social V .
1 – Administrator
2 – Can add a forum by using it in a group.

How to edit a restricted page?

Firstly go through theme options and ‘Turn off” the restricted page. After that, you convert any elementor page. Now you will be to “Turn on” the restricted page after all the changes are made.
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How do set the sidebar area, set up the menu, and add features?

First, go to appearance, then go to a widget, there you will find the sidebar area, and then click on the select navigation where you will find the choices menu. These are the same steps to follow for all three things asked in the question.
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How to configure the register, login, and forget password pages?

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How to resolve the problem with the page redirecting to the login page:

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How to set dummy data in LMS (LearnPress) ?

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Not Able To Upload any Posts Or Videos ?

Set the steps accordingly in the backend site, Steps are given in the screenshot below :

Not able to send mail even after being a registered user?

Check whether you have set up SMTP for sending mail. If not setup SMTP with the help of this plugin –
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How to add new fields and new groups to the user profile?

First, go to appearance, then go to users, there you will find the profile fields, and then click on the add new group. These are the same steps to follow for all three things asked in the question.
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How to add a register page to any extra field?

First, go to appearance, then go to users, there you will find the profile fields, and then click on the add new field, where you will find the Drag and drop to “Sign up Fields” tab. These are the same steps to follow for all three things asked in the question.
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How to configure restricted and unrestricted pages?

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After logging in, where should I redirect?

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How to customize login form styles ?

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How to disable the header and footer on a particular page ?

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